Please allow me to introducing myself, My mission and My Team…….
Connie; My Passion & Mission;
A constant and never ending search for better health, and making the information accessible for everyone.
Demystifying the Health Debate, Revealing all the Lies & Myths – Exposing the “Truest Truth” and making it available.

Connie Hansen;
Connie, as with Monica above is Swedish, and commenced both study and healthy living “over there”. Regular fasting, vitamins and wholefoods, Living it and Testing it for 30 years now.

For thousands of years a health advice has been to where loosely fitting clothes.
Today “cool sexy looks” have taken priority, at the expense of health issues and circulatory problems. It is a common beliefs that the “bra” is one of many causes of breast cancer, especially if someone is foolish enough to where her bra 24 / 7.
We have in modern society a long row of methods to obscure or permanently damage the body’s circulation, our choice of clothing is one such issue.
The skin being our largest organ, means that we should regularly have full exposure to sun, air and water on the body.
Sleep naked, be naked in the privacy of your own home – or visit a nudist resort on a regular basis.
See Links on the Download Page HERE.

Disclaimer on “The Journey” offering;
I will personally perform “The Journey” process on all who can see me on the Gold Coast Australia, and I will do my outmost to find a Journey Practitioner near you wherever you are in the world. (Can however only guarantee my own service, thus no guarantee that a face to face process can be delivered at your location)