
Wellness Warrior Jessica Ainscough, Connie Hansen Health
Lifestyle Transformation Guide.
Question, ladies & gents:
What would happen if you treated your body with the utmost respect & kindness?
What if — starting today — you made your health & wellness the absolute, non-negotiable, number one priority?
It might feel like a radical paradigm shift (it is). It might seem selfish (it’s not) or impossible (ditto).
As a woman who’s gone from champagne-guzzling party girl to green-juicin’, cancer-kickin’ Wellness Warrior, I’m living proof that transforming your life is possible.
The Lifestyle Transformation Guide is a whole world of information & support for people to want to look & feel better, heal their bodies from stress & disease, and keep their own wellness promises.
Take a look around. I'm so excited to be your guide! xx
Welcome to Connies Health!
Hi and welcome.
Thank you for joining us here at Connie’s Health, on the Journey towards Health for Everyone.
Yes health for everyone, I truly believe it’s possible, but the difficult hurdle to overcome is to get people to believe that it’s possible. As Napoleon Hill said ”What your mind can believe and conceive, you can physically achieve, create and manifest in your world”.
Could the concept be this simple;
Let us all totally disregard the "sickness industry" - disregard to the extent that it doesn’t exist for us at all. We have no doctors, we have no hospitals - consequently we have to take 100% responsibility for or on health.
Here's a girl who decided to do just that when she was 22 years young, and she teach YOU how to do it too;

A responsibility, including, but not limited to, these points;
- Looking after your body - your Temple - and make sure it is in a healthy state at all times.
- Removing all the toxins we are currently putting into our bodies.
- Educate yourself about health, how to prevent disease.
- Learning how to, and actually doing, body cleansing on a regular basis, that is cleaning out toxins that inevitably will enter the body regardless of our carefulness.
- Having the knowledge on how to cleanse individual organs, if they should alert us to any form of dis-ease.
- Providing the body with the right and sufficient amounts of good nutrition and food, which includes avoiding excess amount of processed food.
- Keeping the body active, regular exercises - yes regular regardless of the weather or your conditions - this may be walking, swimming, deep breathing and stretching.
And much much more……….
This is the aim for us here at Connie’s health, and we don’t see any challenge in removing any dis-ease symptoms from a human body. It is quite simple, straight forwarder process of cleaning out toxins.
Our challenge here is to find patients that actually want to get well, most people love their disease and rather die than give it up. Does that sounds a bit controversial? Or maybe even unbelievable?
Well, try telling a beer drinking, smoking and over eating couch potato, to throw out the television stop smoking and drinking, start eating carrots and walking for minimum half an hour per day. By the way, tell him to replace the coffee and the sugar drinks with nice clean filtered water - minimum of 3 L per day.
What’s your chances of success with that one?
Your comments and advice are most welcome.
You can email Connie here; connie(a)conniehansen.com
And please check out our two blog pages on a regular basis, our aim is to make contributions there a few times per week.
CLICK HERE for Connie's Health Blog, on this website.
CLICK HERE for our "ConnieOlle" blog, predominately Health Discussions.
And we have Connie's Original website in the process of being re-developed to a Health Shopping Portal.
CLICK HERE to see how we are progressing.
Lots of great health products and offers, Check it now, new and exciting products.
Some free books to start YOUR Journey.
And here you have them, as promised, a whole list of great e-book’s to start with.
We will be adding to this information as well, both contents in the actual books, and even more books as needed.
Possibly a list of great videos as well, you can search yourself on YouTube.com, but just as quick links we will aim to have a list for your here with good viewing.
Again welcome to Connie’s health - please keep in touch, give us feedback, and your ideas about what we can do more of what we can do better;
The four principles - never to stop learning and improving;
- What do I do today, that I should do less of?
- What do I do today, that I should stop doing altogether?
- What do I do today that I should do more of?
- What do I not do today, that I should start doing?
Please enjoy your reading;
Your Free Books are here! ENJOY!

Connie’s Massage and Healthy Living, Wellness Warrior Jessica Ainscough.
Juice cleansing is one of many miracle of medicines, do it to some extent weekly, as well as a longer period at least once a year. Jessica leaves and teachers body cleansing, here you have 80 recipes for smoothies which are collected through her website followers.

Connie’s Massage and Healthy Living, Sugar Dreams, Monica Colmsjo.
Here’s the fourth chapter as a sample of Monica Colmsjo’s exceptional book; Sugar Dreams, “waking up to the bitter reality”. (You can buy the complete book; Sugar Dreams here. $28.00.)

Connie’s Massage and Healthy Living, The Science of Being Well, Wallace D Wattles.

Connie’s Massage and Healthy Living, Make a Balanced Diet; Don Tolman.
Don Tolman is the man you must know must listen to and must follow, Don is of the as for on whole food and how to remove dis-ease in the body through a balanced diet.

Connie’s Massage and Healthy Living, Journey Process, Brandon Bays.
Your mental state is a very critical component in the process of recovering health, harboring anger, resentments and fears of strong developers of fiscal dis-ease. Brandon Bays teaches an excellent strategy for a guided meditation into past memories and trauma, Connie is qualified to guide you through such meditation sessions.

Connie’s Massage and Healthy Living, Sugar Dreams, Monica Colmsjo.
Monica’s book again, here you have the for words by Michael Domeyko Rowland, another one of the greatest Australian teachers. Catch up with Michael and attend one of his mindset or meditation seminars. (You can buy the complete book; Sugar Dreams here. $28.00.)

Connie’s Massage and Healthy Living, Trauma, Grief and Loss, Sandy MacGregor.
Sandy MacGregor or living proof, learn how he recovered from exceptional and unbelievable family trauma. Sandy MacGregor’s story and advice, does have the capacity of guiding you through any trauma grief or loss.

Connie’s Massage and Healthy Living, Massage, Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage.
Connie’s and experience massage therapist, doing Swedish massage, deep tissue massage and many others, make sure you’re visit Connie next time you on the Gold Coast. Here you have a brief description of the different massages, the benefits of massage - and why it is important with regular massages in today’s stressful but very stationary life.
Connies Health Sub Menu
This page is Created and Serviced by Connie Hansen; - www.connieshealth.com - to assist people with a desire to achieve ultimate health in life. This is complete Health; Spiritual, (your brain and thoughts) Social, (Relaxation and Passionate relationships) Physical Fitness, (A physically strong body that maintains circulation) and Medical. (Removing symptoms, and maintaining a Healthy body).
After all, these 4 are spokes in your wheel, and you will have a bumpy ride should you neglect any of the spokes.
Connie Hansen is not a Health Practitioner, she is a Health Facilitator / coach, guiding you on the path to complete health. With Connie’s extensive studying and practicing health – and with the great team she has put together on this site – you have found the “one-stop-shop” for health.
Connie Hansen – Health Club
Gold Coast Australia – Abundant HEALTH, Complete HEALTH
Snail Mail: P.O.Box 88 Mudgeeraba QLD 4213 Australia.
Phone: +617 5630 1276 Fax: +617 5530 4579
Mobile; 0410 081 110 | Skype; chansen57 | Facebook; chansen57
E-mail: connie(a)connieshealth.com | olle(a)goldcoastwebwiz.com
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Thought of the Day at Connie Hansen Health.
The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
The real power behind whatever success I have now was something I found within myself - something that's in all of us, I think, a little piece of God just waiting to be discovered. -- Tina Turner
All Healing is from within, it is not from pills or potions.
It is that little piece of God that is in as all – Natures and Universal Intelligence.