
Wellness Warrior Jessica Ainscough, Connie Hansen Health
Lifestyle Transformation Guide.
Question, ladies & gents:
What would happen if you treated your body with the utmost respect & kindness?
What if — starting today — you made your health & wellness the absolute, non-negotiable, number one priority?
It might feel like a radical paradigm shift (it is). It might seem selfish (it’s not) or impossible (ditto).
As a woman who’s gone from champagne-guzzling party girl to green-juicin’, cancer-kickin’ Wellness Warrior, I’m living proof that transforming your life is possible.
The Lifestyle Transformation Guide is a whole world of information & support for people to want to look & feel better, heal their bodies from stress & disease, and keep their own wellness promises.
Take a look around. I'm so excited to be your guide! xx
Connie's Healthy Blog.
Health Advice, Consultation and Ideas.
Connie's Health Blog, Holistic healing.
host posted on August 19, 2015 23:17 
Drugs and Medical Errors Killing One of Every Five Australians
By Editor | October 15, 2009
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host posted on August 08, 2015 22:06 
Hi Don, and other health experts.
Before I jump onto today’s topic, I would like to go back to some post I did end of last year, or early this year...
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host posted on August 03, 2015 17:53 
Woman Battles Brain Cancer Using Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet Without Chemo
by Samantha Chang
Alix Hayden has brain cancer, but instead...
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host posted on July 29, 2015 19:36 
Heart attacks is the top dreaded killer, second only by cancer – possibly. But it is also a multi-billion dollar profit generator - for the si...
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host posted on March 12, 2014 15:14 
And Avocados....
Discover interesting facts about avocado, including its uses and benefits, through the infographic "Avocado Us...
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host posted on January 29, 2014 02:19 
Frank Ferrante is a 54 year old Sicilian from Brooklyn living in San Francisco. A lover of life, great food, beautiful women and a good laugh...
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host posted on January 14, 2014 19:02 
Good Wednesday morning people.
Connie's Health, Juice fasting Success!
We are already at Day 11, and I have yet to report on Day number nine.
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host posted on January 12, 2014 16:52 
Juicing Finale – The first day on solids. – Raw Vegetarian only.
OK, so we are eating again, but as I mention avoiding toxins and processing. So let’...
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host posted on January 11, 2014 23:01 
Juicing Finale – The final day of our Juice only regimen.
Day 7 of our juice fasting - and yes we actually decided this is the last day of juice only...
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host posted on January 11, 2014 03:13 
Why are we doing this Juice Fasting?
The most common question we get is why are you doing this, what’s the point.
Well, I give you a few comment...
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host posted on January 10, 2014 20:20 
Sorry folks, I miss the blogging yesterday, so here we are Saturday mornings instead. So happy Saturday morning all, hope you had a wonderful and heal...
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admin posted on January 09, 2014 02:45 
Connies Health - Juicing for a week - Juicing for Health!
Day five is done. We seem to be dropping the appetite a bit, today we didn’t finished our j...
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host posted on January 08, 2014 03:46 
End of day 4, and we are as happy and enthusiastic as ever. Day three and day four are supposed to be terrible days, the worst slump before it’s getti...
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host posted on January 07, 2014 02:35 
End of day three, and we are still kicking.
Today we only have three different juices for breakfast, cabala, oranges & carrots - and the green ...
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host posted on January 06, 2014 05:15 
Connies Health, Juice fasting for Life.
Day two was started with a four course breakfast, and a very colourful breakfast too.
A big glass of red c...
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host posted on January 06, 2014 05:05 
Connies Health, Juice fasting for a million benefits.
Okay we started this adventure, juice fasting only, a whole week without chewing.
Sunday mor...
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host posted on December 16, 2013 05:00 
6 Healing Benefits Of Probiotics
By: Meredith Melnick – The Huffington Post
For most people, the mention of probiotics conjures up image...
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host posted on November 21, 2013 23:01 
Prescription abuse, or the resulting deaths, on alarming rise
Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association calls for a national monitor scheme and more s...
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host posted on October 13, 2013 01:50 
Don Tolman on the Last Australian tour 2013
Today I want to share with you some tips about one of the most effective transitioning steps people take ...
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host posted on October 11, 2013 19:16 
My name is Olle.
Olle Persson, Swedish origin and born 1956.
I met you the first time Ed when you’re presenting and selling the Reading Ge...
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host posted on October 01, 2013 05:51 
Wheatgrass NOW available in Mudgeeraba, Connie's Health.
/ $12.00 per Tray only. / Contact Olle; 5630 1276
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host posted on September 23, 2013 05:35 
What is Green Coffee Beans – and WHY is it so effective.
GCBx contains the only patented Green Coffee Bean Extract. Green Coffee Bean boosts the en...
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host posted on September 08, 2013 19:34 
Keep your kidneys clean and healthy, or you might become statistics.
Kidney failure, in all its different forms, is serious business. But it is also ...
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host posted on August 28, 2013 04:54 
Rethink Sugary Drink
Do you know how much sugar you’re consuming? There are about 16 packs of sugar in a regular soft drink. You wouldn’t eat 16 pack...
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host posted on July 31, 2013 00:32 
Don Tolman about Angelina Jolie
Just had to put in a few more lines here, and to share this excellent few minute video with you.
It’s so...
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host posted on July 29, 2013 05:00 
Our fast-paced living is contributing to choices that are leaving us overweight, unhealthy and on a path to pain and disease.
We’ve given our power...
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admin posted on July 27, 2013 23:47 
Jamie Oliver’s food revolution students visiting the Castelen Community Farm at Mt Tambourine Queensland..
Change your life
Save money
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host posted on July 03, 2013 03:28 
Nampa, Idaho. USA Thursday, June 20th, 2013 9:13:55 AM (MDT)
Dear friend and fellow anxiety sufferer,
If like me when I had anxiety disorder, you wa...
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admin posted on June 28, 2013 20:13 
What the hell are we doing to our health?
We had Angelina Jolie doing mastectomy early on this year, many women followed, and even men choose to re...
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admin posted on June 26, 2013 05:05 
A short health blog, a video review.
Another video, and another set of facts, about all the fraud and dec...
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host posted on June 18, 2013 22:17 
Fat, sick and nearly dead!A documentary movie by Joel Cross and about his own recovery, from the good western diet and lifestyle. A good lifestyle tha...
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host posted on June 17, 2013 19:27 
Original Article courtesy of Isadora Duncan.
“Monkey See – Monkey Do”, And your Children?
An awakening on how we program our children, and how to ...
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host posted on June 17, 2013 18:50 
Hi friends and readers.
Just thrown up a few different articles today as a hear that I had a great variety of interest among our readers.
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host posted on January 14, 2013 19:56 
10 Surprising Acts Of Self Love
I bang on about the usual self love acts often – repeating affirmations, meditating, eating wholefoods, lying in the...
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host posted on January 14, 2013 18:36 
A Letter To My Fellow Cancer Friends
Unless you’re colour blind, you may have noticed that this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We are surro...
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host posted on January 14, 2013 17:40 
Why Letting Go Is The Key To Allowing Miracles To Occur
“The wise know that too much doing and a thing won’t get done. The secret to manifesting on ...
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admin posted on January 06, 2013 21:14 
I was hanging out with some friends a while ago and we were chatting about how long we think it will be until we decide we’re ready to pop out some ...
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admin posted on January 03, 2013 22:47 
Looking for happiness in all the wrong places
Post 2 of 10 of Jessicas favorits for 2012 - enjoy!
Why is it that it takes something as dramatic as a...
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admin posted on January 03, 2013 18:50 
The Journey Experience
Post 1 of 10, Jessica's favorit posts for 2012.
Check out more about Jessica here, including here "Lifestyle Health Pro...
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admin posted on December 16, 2012 18:43 
Varning - Cancer behandling ar dödligt.
Chemotherapy (cell gifter) och Radiation ar mycket skandligt, och det ar Cancer framkallande gifter.
Ta tid ...
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host posted on October 25, 2012 07:31 
Ron & Mary, Cancer, and the simplicity. Part 1 of 3?
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host posted on September 28, 2012 20:58 
Health is all about FEELING GOOD isn’t it?
The mind body connection, the mind creates and then the manifest, both in your body and in your external p...
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host posted on September 24, 2012 06:14 
Heal Yourself - take responsibility and educate yourself - it's not hard.
Heal Your Self speaks to a u...
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host posted on September 20, 2012 06:42 
Posted on October 31, 2011 http://gaetacommunications.com
For several years, until April of this year, I had been lecturing nationally to health pr...
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host posted on September 18, 2012 05:41 
Billions Are Spent on Healthcare & Research
So, Why Are We Getting Sicker?
Don Tolman via Connie Hansen Health. Live and Uncensored.
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host posted on September 16, 2012 02:08 
Local Massage in Mudgeeraba, Health by Connie.
I’m Connie, your local massage therapist, and also a...
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host posted on September 10, 2012 04:22 
Posted by Jess at the http://www.thewellnesswarrior.com.au re-posted here as it is such an important message from Dr Schreeuwer.
We need mo...
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host posted on September 03, 2012 19:23 
Male Psychology and Aging
Courtesy of www.freud-sigmund.com
Aging is not a unique feature of our time, but only in the last 100 years it h...
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host posted on June 28, 2012 02:21 
Posted by Jess on Wednesday, June 20, 2012
If diet soda, sugar-free gum, Equal, Splenda, NutraSweet, Sweet-n-Low, energy drinks, and...
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host posted on June 28, 2012 02:15 
Posted by Jess on Tuesday.
I’ve done it so many times before. Out of laziness and haste to get my lentil curry cooked I’ve thrown ...
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host posted on June 19, 2012 07:18 
The Super Qualities Of Nuts
Posted by Jess on Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Wellness Warrior, Jessica Ainscough.
Welcome back! My new e-book is...
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host posted on June 10, 2012 19:25 
If there was a pump failure or major blockage in the city’s sewer system, it's not be hard to imagine what could happen. All of the pipes would back...
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host posted on May 29, 2012 07:30 
The Diet Coke, or diet drinks health disaster.
News from Connie Hansen Health.
Please read and pay attention, ignorance is no longer a valid excus...
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admin posted on February 06, 2012 04:45 
At "Live Healthy - Be Happy", Tyler will reveal
• The reasons why we have a rising epidemic of Cancer and D...
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host posted on January 27, 2012 23:52 
Good Afternoon health Warrior's.
Here's another clarification of what we actually doing in our current four day cleansing process. It is as we said a...
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admin posted on January 26, 2012 23:17 
Our Cleansing / Fasting continue;
Now on day 12 of the 30 day program, and day 2 of our 4 days complete fasting.
Top weight for Olle durin...
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admin posted on January 26, 2012 23:09 
Vår utrensning och faste kur fortsätter / Connie & Olle.
Nu på dag 12 på ett 30 dagar vegiteriariskt program, (80% rå och 20% kokt...
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host posted on January 26, 2012 20:16 
Guest post by Shannon Dunn.
I noticed my first grays when I was about 26. Spindly little critters that had a mind of their own, sticking upw...
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host posted on January 24, 2012 02:06 
The Tyler Tolman's Fasting, and our story;
Good Tuesday morning to all my readers, and Facebook friends.
We, that is Connie and myself, or on a...
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host posted on January 24, 2012 02:06 
The Tyler Tolman's Fasting, and our story;
Good Tuesday morning to all my readers, and Facebook friends.
We, that is Connie and myself, or on...
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admin posted on September 06, 2011 04:08 
When the sebaceous glands secrete too much oil, acne is the result.
The oil normally flows from the glands to the skin’s surface. If, though, the ...
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host posted on August 02, 2011 06:19 
I found it!!
Have been looking for this video for a while - and here it is!!
If you want to watch this and many other go...
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admin posted on July 27, 2011 03:03 
You probably don't think twice about brushing your teeth each day...but do you know what's in your toothpaste?
Contrary to what we've...
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host posted on July 25, 2011 02:27 
Visit Dr Joseph Mercola Here for full story and MORE.
Barbara Loe Fisher is a pioneer in vaccine education and safety, and the founder of ...
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host posted on July 13, 2011 05:15 
A tale of two calves — one calf was fed on raw milk, the other on pasteurized
Here are the preliminary results (June 3), as reported by Michael ...
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host posted on June 28, 2011 03:11 
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in humans is associated with increased plasma endotoxin and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 concentration...
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host posted on June 28, 2011 03:07 
Remedial massage is one of the most popular forms of massage therapy as it addresses the aches, pains and injuries many of us seem to fall prey to a...
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host posted on June 25, 2011 03:28 
What is Personal Training?
If you want to really increase your fitness level, need motivation to keep fit or want to loo...
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host posted on June 07, 2011 14:52 
What’s high in protein and fibre, packed with vitamins and minerals, gluten-free and takes 10 minutes to prepare? A bowl of quinoa. Quinoa, ...
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host posted on April 24, 2011 20:07 
Researchers at the Environmental Working Group, a Washington-based nonprofit, released their annual report claiming nearly half of the 500 most popu...
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admin posted on April 15, 2011 00:58 
Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pinkeye, is an inflammation of
the conjunctiva.
The conjunctiva is the clear membrane that covers the white ...
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admin posted on April 10, 2011 00:12 
The second leading cause of cancer death among men is cancer of the prostate gland. It is primarily a disease of aging.
Men in their thirties and ...
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admin posted on April 06, 2011 05:52 
The Beautiful Truth
Here's a Loooong video - but it sure is worth every minute of it. Actually, if you have any interest in health you should whatch ...
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host posted on March 24, 2011 04:17 
Mode of Action of MMS
by Walter Last
There are different theories on the Internet about the way acidified sodium chlorite or MMS works. From pub...
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host posted on March 20, 2011 06:50 
My appologies friends, just desided to do a post for all our Swedish readers for a change. Not often I take the time.
Might translate the story one d...
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admin posted on March 16, 2011 04:01 
A common cause of shoulder problems is pain of the tendon, a cord that attaches to the muscle or the rotator cuff, which helps with circular motion.
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admin posted on March 05, 2011 23:15 
What exactly are sinuses? Sinuses are air chambers in the bone behind the jaw, eyebrow, and cheek.
It produces mucus which is a fluid that c...
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admin posted on February 22, 2011 05:30 
The Pri...
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admin posted on February 20, 2011 03:47 
Skin Cancer - Melanoma
When skin cancer occurs in either basal cells or squamous cells, it is usually considered nonmelanoma.
These cells may e...
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admin posted on February 13, 2011 23:24 
Heart Foundation says sugar isn't relevant.
The Heart Foundation has finally trashed the last of its credibility.
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admin posted on January 30, 2011 15:26 
Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt
Himalayan crystal rock salt is the cleanest salt available anywhere on the planet and contains all of the element...
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admin posted on January 26, 2011 21:09 
Nurture Your ‘Milieu Interieur’ –
The Environment Within.
French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) — after whom the process of “pasteurisation” w...
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host posted on January 17, 2011 16:53 
An offer to anyone affected by the recent floods in Queensland to
join us FREE OF CHARGE at the Gold Coast Journey Intensive.
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host posted on January 05, 2011 06:05 
Truth about Aspartame
18 November 09 A.M. Evangelista PhD
The toxicology, histology and biochemistry of aspartame (aka: NutraSweet, Equal, e...
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admin posted on January 04, 2011 02:30 
The Top 25 Reasons to get a Massage.
By Julie Tables
(1) Massage alleviates discomfort during pregnancy
(2) Massage helps with muscle tension and...
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host posted on October 26, 2010 19:35 
Hi All,
A note and a Video from Inga
Let me introduce you to Tyler Tolman - son of Don (who we’ve been bringing to Australia for 4 years now) an...
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host posted on September 28, 2010 17:16 
An Important Health Message!!! By an 11 year old!!!
This is crutially important, and we can't pushthis awareness enough, we heard it many times...
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admin posted on August 17, 2010 16:22 
Who Are You?
If you ever ask someone who they are, they'll usually rattle off their job and where they live. "Who are you?" is a deeper question t...
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admin posted on August 11, 2010 06:21 
host posted on August 03, 2010 16:14 
You're So Vain
Back in the 70's Carly Simon had a great hit with You're So Vain ... the lyrics then went on ... you're so vain, bet you think this...
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host posted on July 27, 2010 02:32 
Gee, as I said in mails and FB earlier, the Think and Grow Rich weekends are just fantastic. Lot to learn and great people to rob sholder with, N...
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host posted on July 25, 2010 23:22 
Ar vår “innaktivitet” skrämmande tänkvärd?
(Eller är det för ”skrämmaned” att tänka på?)
Thanks Britt!!
Ja, statistik är alltid ...
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host posted on July 13, 2010 23:05 
Connie's story, this is how it happens.
Listen carfully how they cover so many aspects that are WRONG in conventional medical practice.
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admin posted on July 07, 2010 04:21 
The Swine Flu Pandemic-Fact or Fiction?
By admin | Published: May 7, 2009
Dr Mercola
Health officials around the world are facing a public heal...
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host posted on July 06, 2010 22:04 
Gratitude Schmatitude
An Attitude of Grattitude - Greatful for our Health
By; Dr Barry Pierce.
I love the phrase "attitude of gratitude". Three ...
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admin posted on July 02, 2010 05:07 
Written on the 2nd of July 2010 by Don Tolman
Colds: Find a "cure" and millions will die because a cold is the body’s method of elimination by dum...
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admin posted on June 29, 2010 05:16 
Fiber Flash
Written on the 25th of June 2010 by Don Tolman
Fifty loaves of white bread doesn’t provide enough fiber to meet the suggested daily...
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host posted on June 25, 2010 17:42 
Do Ya Think?
One of the first concepts I learned years ago when I started learning about Science of Mind is that thoughts are things.
I have to s...
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admin posted on June 21, 2010 05:03 
Healthy Targets of the Drug Lords
Written on the 12th of December 2009 by Don Tolman
Drugs Have Created a Whole New Market: “The Worrie...
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host posted on June 20, 2010 16:57 
The Complete Holistic Program Approach!
Don Tolman’s receipt; 7 ingredients of healthy living;
Don Tolman’s Seven Essentials;
Air - c...
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host posted on June 09, 2010 20:34 
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admin posted on June 08, 2010 06:23 
Here you'll find many of Don's products plus ones that he personally recommends. Please enjoy browsing our store. And if you have any questi...
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admin posted on June 05, 2010 02:56 
The dark side of sunscreen?
A new study by an eco-consumer group finds that some sunblocks may increase the growth rate of skin cancer cells. Is your...
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admin posted on June 04, 2010 00:51 
Fasting – Words from Gaea
Written on the 4th of June 2010 by Don Tolman
Fasting has existed since the beginning of life on earth. An ill or injur...
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admin posted on June 01, 2010 03:33 
Understanding the cleansing process of your body.
Written on the 28th of May 2010 by Don Tolman
In the same way the body changes or adjusts negativ...
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host posted on May 27, 2010 03:30 
One of many important health messages from Don Tolman.
Follow links HERE to book your F.REE seat for his June Presentations.
[Read the rest of this article...]
admin posted on May 24, 2010 07:24 
How Can You Reduce Fatigue?
We have all felt the effects of fatigue at some time or another, which can end up affecting relationships and in some ca...
[Read the rest of this article...]
admin posted on May 14, 2010 00:56 
Foreword by Olle Persson in Connie’s book;
Keep the FLOW – Everythin...
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host posted on May 12, 2010 06:21 
Conniehansen.com page upgrade 100512
admin posted on May 09, 2010 01:20 
Confusion About Breast Cancer.
Written on the 7th of May 2010 by Don Tolman
The search to find a cure for Breast Cancer gathers momentum year aft...
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host posted on May 08, 2010 01:23 
Written on the 7th of May 2010 by Don Tolman
The search to find a cure for Breast Cancer gathers momentum year after year.
Globally, billions o...
[Read the rest of this article...]
admin posted on May 05, 2010 06:19 
Journey Intensive Weekend
The foundation course for all Journeywork. This is where your Journey begins, The Journey Intensive is the first step on ...
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admin posted on April 28, 2010 21:24 
Hi Susse!
Continuing on our discussion yesterday, regarding health, well being and vitamin supplementation.
First of all I would like to congrat...
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admin posted on April 23, 2010 22:17 
Good morning people!!
Connie here with some "Don Tolman common sence on health and your "body", "temple" or "river"....
21st of April;
Hope you'...
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admin posted on April 17, 2010 01:40 
Jamie Oliver: Obesity costs US $150 Billion a year
The way we eat in the developed w...
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admin posted on April 14, 2010 20:07 
If it wasn't for the tragic consequences - it would almost be funny to read about the diagnosing of mental illnesses.
One could almost be excused f...
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host posted on April 13, 2010 02:27 
Article written by Betty Martini
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admin posted on April 11, 2010 21:11 
Hello Readers!!!
Unexpected change of plans this week because...
Shortly before Christmas a few months ago, December '09, my Mom calle...
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admin posted on April 10, 2010 23:08 
Whole Foods are pure Lifeforce
From the desk of Don Tolman 18th March, 2010
Whole foods are the best way to get nutrient density into the human ...
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admin posted on April 07, 2010 04:02 
There is no out there - out there!! As to recent research and conclusion within Quantum Physics. What we see, what we live and all that we experience ...
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admin posted on April 06, 2010 00:05 
Good Morning Friends
Connie and Olle here with some exciting News!
End of your aches and pain, time to start doing summersaults again!
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admin posted on March 30, 2010 18:16 
Thought of the Day
"To let go of fear or trauma, we need to acknowledge just how it is. We need to feel it fully and accept that it is so. It is as...
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admin posted on March 27, 2010 06:45 
Before you tear open that little yellow packet of sweetener and stir it into your coffee, please read this.
Do you want to:
* A...
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host posted on March 26, 2010 05:37 
Britt Hansen Funderar; det skulle vara kul att veta vad ni andra tycker : det har varit lite tjafs i media om aktiv dödshjälp. En tjej som...
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host posted on March 24, 2010 06:31 
Everybody I know is working on one issue or another, trying to move into a better space in their lives, some big some small. Most of the issues we str...
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admin posted on March 24, 2010 06:09 
/* Style Definitions */
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host posted on March 16, 2010 21:08 
OneLife International Australia and Wealth Dynamics Bali, two excellent and very committed organizations in the field of adult education;
Mental heal...
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admin posted on March 16, 2010 06:12 
Good evening friends.
Hope you're all well, healthy and in high spirits, these wonderful Tuesday evening in Mudgeeraba.
Just announcing that we ...
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admin posted on March 14, 2010 07:18 
Hi Friends.
As if it isn’t enough that I’m pestering in Facebook, Olle now says that I have to run my own blog as well!!! - Slave labou...
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admin posted on March 12, 2010 03:40 
/* Style Definitions */
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admin posted on August 29, 2009 07:05 
Update from Connie: Saturday 29th August 2009
Hello again
Yes it’s a bit late, but please give a hard working girl a break( Ha Ha)
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admin posted on August 29, 2009 07:03 
Update from Connie: Friday 28th August 2009
Hi again
So what’s new today. I had another relaxing day nice and warm in the sun but the poo...
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admin posted on August 26, 2009 06:57 
Update from Connie: Wednesday 26th August 2009
Half way there.
Yes its day ten, I thought you may all be curios why I’m doing this ...
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admin posted on August 25, 2009 06:55 
Update from Connie: Tuesday 25th August 2009
It’s me again.
Hope you all enjoy my writing. This is day nine and all is good.
Today I been keep...
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admin posted on August 24, 2009 06:52 
Update from Connie: Monday 24th August 2009
Hi again
Yes I survived day eight as well.
Today have been really hot 36°, I did jum...
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admin posted on August 23, 2009 06:44 
Update from Connie: Sunday 23rd August 2009
Hello everybody
It’s day 7 and all is good.
Olle came and spend Saturday night and today wit...
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admin posted on August 22, 2009 06:42 
Update from Connie; Saturday 22nd August 2009
Day six
Another day full of sun and energy.
I still don’t have any signs of weaknes...
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admin posted on August 21, 2009 06:37 
Update from Connie: Friday 21st August 2009.
Day five
Today I had quite a bit of energy so I started to wash down the kitchen walls.
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admin posted on August 20, 2009 06:31 
Update from Connie: Thursday 20th August 2009.
Day Four
I’m still very committed to this three weeks fasting.
Today I have had a bit of...
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admin posted on August 19, 2009 06:29 
Update from Connie: Wednesday 19th August 2009.
Yes it’s me again.
I promised to hold you updated about my fasting, and so far I’m still ...
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host posted on August 19, 2009 03:15 
Monday 19th of August 2009
Fasting & Detoxification
Welcome to Connies little Experiment and testing.
(Bit of the a...
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host posted on August 16, 2009 03:21 
Sunday the 16th of August 2009,
Hi It’s Sunday Morning!!!!
This is my last day of indulgence, tomorrow my fasting starts.
I will wake up to a medi...
[Read the rest of this article...]
Connies Health Sub Menu
This page is Created and Serviced by Connie Hansen; - www.connieshealth.com - to assist people with a desire to achieve ultimate health in life. This is complete Health; Spiritual, (your brain and thoughts) Social, (Relaxation and Passionate relationships) Physical Fitness, (A physically strong body that maintains circulation) and Medical. (Removing symptoms, and maintaining a Healthy body).
After all, these 4 are spokes in your wheel, and you will have a bumpy ride should you neglect any of the spokes.
Connie Hansen is not a Health Practitioner, she is a Health Facilitator / coach, guiding you on the path to complete health. With Connie’s extensive studying and practicing health – and with the great team she has put together on this site – you have found the “one-stop-shop” for health.
Connie Hansen – Health Club
Gold Coast Australia – Abundant HEALTH, Complete HEALTH
Snail Mail: P.O.Box 88 Mudgeeraba QLD 4213 Australia.
Phone: +617 5630 1276 Fax: +617 5530 4579
Mobile; 0410 081 110 | Skype; chansen57 | Facebook; chansen57
E-mail: connie(a)connieshealth.com | olle(a)goldcoastwebwiz.com
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Thought of the Day at Connie Hansen Health.
The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
The real power behind whatever success I have now was something I found within myself - something that's in all of us, I think, a little piece of God just waiting to be discovered. -- Tina Turner
All Healing is from within, it is not from pills or potions.
It is that little piece of God that is in as all – Natures and Universal Intelligence.