host posted on January 14, 2013 17:40

Why Letting Go Is The Key To Allowing Miracles To Occur
“The wise know that too much doing and a thing won’t get done. The secret to manifesting on the highest level is to find the perfect amount of doing and non-doing to allow the doing to be done. Sometimes much more can be accomplished simply by letting go and trusting.” – Jackson Kiddard
I read the above quote on The Daily Love last week and it pierced right through me. As much as I know and understand what our man Jackson Kiddard is saying, it’s an easy nugget of wisdom to forget. But when we do forget that we ultimately have little control over the exact outcome of our goals, life becomes so much harder.
I firmly believe that the Universe is safe place and that when we collaborate in an appropriate manner, all of my dreams will come true. However, when traction is slower than I would like and it feels like things are stalling, my unchecked mind can wiggle itself into a bit of a tizz. Its like I start mentally grasping at monkey bars that are always that little bit out of reach – unsuccessfully and unnecessarily exerting myself.
I say unnecessarily here because when we struggle – when we try to force control of any situation – it’s like wheels spinning in mud. We do a whole lot of work and don’t get a whole lot of anywhere.
What I’m getting at here is totally counterintuitive to our Westernised ambitious drive. We are doers, creators, and achievers. We work hard to make stuff happen. When things don’t go our way, rarely do we surrender and trust that its going to work our brilliantly anyway. Generally, we get stressed out and work ourselves up over it – which ends up working against us, lowering our vibrational frequency and blocking our attracting powers even more.
Even if we mentally feel like we are ready for something, if it hasn’t shown up for us yet it just means that it is not the time.
There are so many examples of this, but here are some that I have realised in my own life:
+ My health: Every cancer patient’s goal is to be well, and I am no exception. For over four years, getting well has been at the forefront of my mind. In the beginning, especially, I was desperate to be well. I was willing to do absolutely anything it took. It wasn’t until recently, when I spoke with Anita Moorjani about her terminal cancer, near-death-experience, and subsequent healing, that I realised that focusing solely on “getting rid of cancer” was counter productive to my goal. Sure, there was plenty of things that I could do and needed to do to become an empowered participant in my healing. But true healing wouldn’t be realised until I relinquished the tight grip I had on the situation and surrendered to the perfection my path and placed all of my faith in the Universe’s plan.
+ My career: When I was a magazine writer, work was something I loved, but it always felt like a bit of a struggle. I never believed in my talent as a writer, and I felt like the industry I was in was so difficult to get ahead in. I was constantly analysing what my next move needed to be and strategizing exactly what I needed to do to get there. Now, I have 100% faith that as long as I am fulfilling my purpose, being of service and providing as much value to the world as possible, my career and finances will always be looked after.
+ My relationship: Before Tallon, I had major trust issues. I felt like I needed to control how my partner felt about me and how they acted, but this never worked. Clearly. I don’t know whether it is Tallon himself or because I have done so much work on myself since being with him that I completely get how a healthy relationship should be. We can’t control other people, and our partners are not responsible for how we feel. People come into our lives as assignments, and we just need to trust that the Universe will always bring us the right people at the right time. We can’t control the outcome.
The lesson: We cannot control what happens to us. We can only control how we react to what happens to us, but we need to remain open to rolling with the punches rather than clinging to whatever outcome we have idolised in our minds. Whenever you flex your manifestation muscles and start plotting for the realisation of your dreams, always end your requests with “I wish to manifest this or something better.” Always remain open to fact that quite often the Universe has something much better in store for us than we can ever imagine.