Fat, sick and nearly dead!
A documentary movie by Joel Cross and about his own recovery, from the good western diet and lifestyle. A good lifestyle that nearly killed him, as the title reveals.

Joel decided to go on an overseas holiday, for the change of lifestyle and environment - and to replenish his body in a 60 day juice fasting mission.
We, here at Connie’s health, following Don Tolman and many other healthy living experts, and preaching fasting and cleansing at least once annually.
Connie practiced regular juice fasting already in the early 80’s, quite short fasting periods but regular couple of times a year. In 2009 she got a more serious call to pay attention to the body, she was diagnosed with tumours in the ovary’s.
She bravely refused the sickness industries alternative, which we know is cutting out, burning or poisoning. We are also well aware that cancer is a defence mechanism in the body, cancer is away for the body to contain dangerous toxins that can’t be disposed of. Therefore, cutting and damaging cancer tumours do more harm than good, and if mother nature have the ability to design and create tumours than she also have the power to remove them if there are no longer on need for garbage containers.
I say that again; if the body, in a natural state, creates an accumulation of toxins and isolate them from spreading the body - then it’s an excellent function in the body. And the so-called miraculous healing from cancer that we hear of daily, it is simply that the body is cleaned out and there is no longer need for garbage containers.
The only problem with that explanation is that it’s too simple, disease have to be complicated so that we are happy to pay trillions of dollars annually into the bank accounts of the sickness industry.
So Connie decided to take matters into her own hands, she took a three week holiday and settled in a small resort inland from the Gold Coast. The place we call home since 22 or 23 years now.
The recipe Connie used was simply not to eat solid food, but to drink and healthy freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juice on a daily basis - together with lots of water. The juice is called cabala-juice, and the recipe for a daily serving is as follows;

1 kg of carrots.
1 green Apple.
1 fist size beetroot
1 red Apple.
1 good says lemon including the rind.
And 1 yellow Apple, or any three different apples types you can find.
And as mentioned, lots and lots of water, meaning and minimum of 3 litres -or a litre per 22 kg of the body weights. Preferably lots more.
Connie kept to this diet from end of August 2009, and a couple weeks into September. And had to follow up doctors this it and scans of the ovaries, and by the November checkup that were no tumours to be found.
Since this positive and very successful experience from fasting, we have decided to give the body a cleanse and vitamin boost on a weekly basis. Every Monday morning we do our cabala juice batch, and stick to that juice as I will only food intake on Monday’s. Lately we have added a green juice added vitamins. Juice made of wheat grass, celery, parsley and sometimes kale or other green leafy vegetables.
As third juice we added in the process is a lemon juice, this is for the great alkalining effects of the lemons. As we know an acetic body is the perfect environment for contamination and disease, while a well oxygenised and alkaline body is a condition where no disease can live.
It really is that simple; a glass of lemon juice, a fresh carrot and an Apple - and maybe add a grapefruit and you have a healthy body. Add to that 3 litre of water and an hours brisk walk every day, and you’re all set for a “miraculous” healing of any aches and pains or health conditions you may have.
But the back to Joel Cross and his documentary; Fat, Sick and nearly dead. - Watch it here and now.
It is a great motivation, and it proves the lots about the power of juice fasting. More importantly it is proof that you balancing and healing your entire your body with a change to a healthy lifestyle.
And it doesn’t need to be for ever, if you don’t have a serious health condition, then you don’t even need to follow Joel Cross for the 60 day fasting. Start with a week, a week fasting per month, or if you’re like; make it two 30 day fasting periods per year.
There is no strict fussy rules, not about the time you spend juice fasting, and not about the recipe or fruit and vegetables you’re juicing - JUST DO IT!
Remember the concept; 1% of something, a little bit, is far more, and far better than 100% of nothing. That “nothing” is exactly what you do when you’re planning, when you waiting for the right moment, and when you just go and make sure that everything is right.
It was never be the perfect moment, and it would never be perfectly right - SO JUST DO IT.
We here at Connie’s health, our available for consultation and support throughout your journey, just hook up over Email, Facebook and Skype.
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To Life Without Limits,
-Olle Persson Ph; 07 5630 1276
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Email; olle(a)gcauto.com.au