host posted on July 29, 2013 05:00

Our fast-paced living is contributing to choices that are leaving us overweight, unhealthy and on a path to pain and disease.
We’ve given our power over to politicians and our health to doctors—choices that are making us more stressed and sicker than our ancestors. We’re suffering, and so are our children.
Cancer has become almost as common as The Cold. Obesity is an epidemic. Allergies are commonplace. And it’s only getting worse.
But have you ever considered why? Why are those we trust getting it so wrong, offering treatments that cause greater pain and suffering; recommending pills that do more damage than good?
What if we didn’t have to get sick, stressed and live in a state of daily overwhelm and fear? What if there was another way?
What if it was easy once you knew how?
Tens of Thousands of people just like you have learned the secrets to wellness and longevity, and changed their life and the lives of their families. Their mentor? A real life Indiana Jones who has made it his mission to empower people like you with health truths and life-changing information that’s easy to apply.
Internationally recognised wholefood expert Don Tolman is coming to Australia for a series of complimentary events. ' Where Truth and Health Lies' - Don Tolman Live and Uncensored ; will change the way you look at your health and your family’s wellbeing forever.
You too can learn how to make simple changes that will have a positive impact to the health of you and your family.
At this two-and-a-half hour life-changing event, Don will clear the confusion and give you the keys to transformation that will allow you to finally lead the life you’ve always dreamt of.
Claim Your Complimentary Tickets Now
(Please Note: To register more than person you will need their own unique email address)
'Where Truth and Health Lies' is Enlightening, informing and sometimes shocking, you will learn:
• Why Western treatments for dis-ease work against the body and send it into further disrepair
• Why dis-ease isn’t a death sentence and what it’s actually telling you
• How to cut through the BS and decipher what’s true and what’s not for you, your body and your family
• How to apply ancient principles of self care to modern-day living
• Why nature provides all we need for a healthy, happy, long life
• How to really lose weight and keep it off, while not feeling restricted
• What your allergies are really telling you
• How to take your life back into your own hands, without having to be overwhelmed and stressed
• Transformational information applied by the terminally ill to gain full recoveries.
This truly is one of the most gripping and transformational events you could ever attend.
Tickets in each city are strictly limited with all major cities anticipated to sell-out.
Secure Your Complimentary Tickets Quickly - before they're gone!
What Others Have to Say
"I can't believe it has taken nearly my whole life to hear the truth about health and disease, Don has opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities for my health. I can't believe how much I learned in 2 & a half hours!" - Celia Trathen
"Don is truly an inspiration and certainly a very caring and compassionate man. The world needs more Don!" - Dr Jasmine Peris
"Don really hit our hearts with his highly authentic message." - Charlie Vasram
"I have heard things that I never heard before and it certainly made me go to the fruit shop and stock up on fruit and vegetables." - Stella Dichiera
"I was grateful to hear Don speak and for my children to hear him too. If nothing else, my children now know how to live a long and prosperous life." - Deboraa Neaves
About Don Tolman
Don has been a return guest on The Donahue Show, Entertainment Tonight and ABC Talk Radio in the United States. In Australasia, he as appeared numerous times on Mornings with Kerri-Anne, Today Tonight and New Zealand’s Good Morning Show.
He has also been featured widely in print media including Australia’s most respected health magazine, WellBeing. His revolutionary discoveries in the field of wholefood nutrition have earned him the right to speak at some of the world's leading health and technology organisations such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Health Research Academy at Cornell University in New York City and the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore where he has guided many terminally ill patients to a full recovery.
Disease isn’t a death sentence, come join us and learn how to regain your health & vitality.
To Abundant Health Life; BOOK YOUR SEAT now!!!
Connie Hansen
+61 7 5630 1276
P.S Get your friends together and make a night of it. It takes literally seconds to register online, simply select your city of choice when you get to the registration page. Book Now