host posted on October 11, 2013 19:16

My name is Olle.
Olle Persson, Swedish origin and born 1956.
I met you the first time Ed when you’re presenting and selling the Reading Genius course in Brisbane. It must have been 15 years ago now. (On a sad note, I had a friend with me at your seminar, and she too bought your program, neither of us has done much about it though. The sad part is that the girl died from breast cancer couple weeks ago, again making me realize; “we don’t have a contract with life, so get on with it while you’re here.”)
Well, I was born in Sweden a long time ago, but I did move to Australia in 1990 - hence my first language now is English. Absolutely loving the new life in the sub tropical / tropical sunshine state Queensland in Australia, and so does my partner Connie - and 28-year-old daughter. Mona.
We are in a reasonable stable relationship, celebrating 40 years now on 8 December, still not married though - says I need to get to know the girl first. :)
Already in Sweden we were quite interested in alternative natural health, Connie even did short fasting periods during the 1980s. I studied a bit of Scientology in the early 1980s, did a lot of reading and a few courses - but can’t really say that I became a Scientology advocate.
I also remember doing the Mega Memory course by Kevin Trudeau, in this course Kevin had a whole chapter about the vitamin supplement and the positive effect on brain and learning capability. I vaguely also remember that he had a very negative view towards the sugar drinks, and that you should stay away from sugar in any learning environment. (Interesting fact that the danger of sugar was known in the 1980s and long before that, yet still today they are happily selling both sugar drinks - and the very dangerous energy drinks in school canteens in Australia.)
I sort of got hooked on the vitamins, and was popping vitamin pills from the mid 1980s through to just a couple of years ago. Occasionally still take my USANA multivitamin pills. The shift away from vitamins haven’t been less a belief in the need of nutrition, it is the approach towards the natural way, eating fresh greens; apple bananas, carrots celery and broccoli. Including, studying and following the Don Tolman’s teaching - with which we now for five or six years have applied a routine with one day juice fasting per week.
An extended trial of Don Tolman’s program was when my partner Connie, removed ovarian cancer tumors with help of a three weeks juice fasting and meditation sessions.
Another issue that we are adamant about is the avoidance of sugar, sugar is a poison to the extent it shouldn’t be available in supermarkets - possibly as a prescription drug. It looks like a hopeless mission, but we are committed in a persistent pursuit of converting Coke drinkers into or Water drinkers.
We do sell a book authored by a close friend of ours; Monica Colmsjo, the book is titled; “Sugar Dreams” waking up to a bitter reality. The book is available here, and we will soon have it available in E-book format as well.
Another great source of information regarding sugar drinks is Professor Robert H. Lustig; “Sugar, The Bitter Truth”.
During this 30 years of health studying, we have of course started a few businesses and websites to promote our case. Here’s a couple of them currently live and available;
But I guess I have to close this stretched out BIO for now, might slip back into it as I introduce a current patient here suffering from in-operable cancer.
In conclusion;
We are open minded, we are keen students - we have a great believes in the teaching of the Celestine Prophecy - in Crystal Energy and in Astral Travelling. We are only energy, energy is all there is, and energy has no boundaries, the physical manifestations we see is to some extent illusions - illusionary manifestations created in our imagination.
We can choose to maintain this temple (our human bodies) we have been granted control over doing our earthly visit, or we can choose to abuse it - put the body at “un ease” and thus manifest “dis-ease”.
As this is all a creation of our mind, and long past negative programming, and with long past I mean generations, we quite naturally can reverse any conditions with a simple change of our mindset. Thoughts are energy and they manifest into physical things, and there isn’t really much difference in this realm - whether somebody consciously thinks about creating a building - or subconsciously decide to create a cancerous tumor.
You are a miracle healer Ed, a healing genius, I admire your work - and would love to work closer with you. I also believe that we are all Healers - we are all anything we want to be - it’s a matter of the believing and having the confidence. This is a very well said by a great teacher / healer in India;
This powerful man once was asked, from someone having witnessed his healing powers, “Are You God”?
To the question the man answered short and promptly; “Yes I am.”
Continuing; - “And so are you my friend - the only difference is; I know it - and you don’t”.
To help others to heal, we will do what we already do on a daily basis - the three important things; education, education and more education.
Or in Don Tolman’s words;
self education - self help and self healing
We are continuously growing and changing our online presence, and we all looking to take on clients to help them to heal. We already have open our house to people in need, and there is no filtering at all about what area they need help in.
As a brief excitable, I would introduce a girl - and I give her the fictitious name Annie.
Annie came to us a couple months ago, and she didn’t look good. She of course said that everything is good, and that she didn’t have any problem. Naturally it didn’t take long to realize that Annie is an alcoholic, and a quite heavy smoker. As is common with alcoholics, they are into body abuse, starvation - in short - on a path towards killing themselves.
We later learned that Annie has spent many years in a physically abusive relationship, still suffering from the wounds of the abuse. In addition - and off course as a result of the above, is developing quite severe arthritis.
Finally for the diagnosis, Annie is said to have in-operable pancreas cancer. The doctors didn’t say in-curable, but it would probably get to that stage. As we all know, chemotherapy and radiation is far worse than the actual symptoms it is meant to treat.
Luckily for Annie, she have come to a supportive home - where we are well aware that “in curable” simply means that the condition is curable from within.
We now have Annie on a healthy diet, high content of vegetables - and very limited processing of the food she eats. In addition she are on daily meditation sessions, as well as education in personal / mental development - and about the many options available to battle cancer.
I have to stop here Ed - due to other commitments.
Thus leave this temporarily as a draft - I hope to be able to come back editing and completing this draft.
Truly looking forward to your response and comments, and hopefully work closer together Ed.
To a happy and healthy life / Relationship!
-Olle Persson Ph; 07 5630 1276
Primal Force Nutrition
Paleo Recipes.
Email; olle(a)
Thanks for reading – Love and Blessing to you all….