host posted on January 11, 2014 03:13

Why are we doing this Juice Fasting?
The most common question we get is why are you doing this, what’s the point.
Well, I give you a few comments, or let’s call it common suggestions from the experts in the field.
Charlotte Gerson;
You cannot keep one disease and heal 2 others when the body heal, it heals everything.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
Joe Cross;
Over 70% of our health problems comes from lifestyle and eating habits.
(Authors comment: That number is shocking enough in itself, but I would like to suggest, and strongly believe, that it would be closer to 90%.)
Charlotte Gerson again;
We really only suffer from either or both of two things;
Toxicity in the body
or Deficiency in the body.
Thomas Edison;
“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
“There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.”
Doesn’t we live in a world of over indulgence?
(Now talking to, and about, the Western World Society)
We are over eating every day on most things;
The catastrophic overdosing of sugar.
Overdosing on proteins and fats.
A lot more animal flesh than what our bodies can handle.
And finally, if we insist on indulge in toxins, then it should be kept to very small amounts - therefore in most cases we are overdosing;
Caffeine, Alcohol, Sweets, Nicotine, Sugars (worth mentioning again) and all over processed food.
With that said, doesn’t it make sense to clean the body every now and then?
How often do a clean your body on the outside?
Versus - how often do you clean your body on the inside?
Think about it – wouldn’t internal organs be more important than your looks?
How much money do you spend on external cleansing?
How much money do you spend on the outside, just to please other people. And possibly for your self-confidence in that you have too “look good”?
How much money do you spend on toilet paper?
A common statement is that people spend more money on toilet paper than what they do on the inside of the head. (Education.)
I would like to borrow that statement with the following question;
Do you spend more money on toilet paper, then what you do on really understanding and looking after your body?
So to close this off, here’s some reasons;
We are cleansing with freshly squeezed juices one day every week, and a couple of extended fasting is (a week or so) couple of times a year. And we do this to give the body a break from over indulgence - and the “unavoidable” daily toxic bombardment.
And here's some other great health solutions you need to try;