host posted on July 29, 2015 19:36

Heart attacks is the top dreaded killer, second only by cancer – possibly. But it is also a multi-billion dollar profit generator - for the sickness industry. (Ie; medical industry.)
One have to be somewhat concerned, and maybe asking a few questions;
Have we, as modern and intelligent humans, created this pandemic monster?
Worse still - was it planned and orchestrated?
I do have a hard time believing it was orchestrated, but quite sure it has come about due to a series of unfortunate mistakes - as well as severe ignorance on behalf of our decision makers.
So let’s jump back a few decades, finding the man who is taking most of the blame for the disaster, his name was Ancel Keys (1904 – 2004).
Mr Keys is the creator of the seven country studies, in which he proved the link between a high-fat diet and heart disease. However, the study actually was 22 countries study, and it is claimed that Mr Keys removed most of the countries in the study to prove his own preconceived hypothesis.
(I will leave it to others to debate whether this was actually done by Mr Keys, if it was done for the purpose of known deceit, or if it was done by total ignorance.)
For the purpose of this article it suffice to say that Mr Ancel Keys study, released in the early 1950s, had a tremendous impact on our eating habits, and also governments dietary recommendations.
One serious and famous incident that helped establish Mr Keys theories was actually President Ike Eisenhower heart attack in September 1955, a major eye-opener that put all Worlds News media and eyes on ‘Ike’ and the Fitzsimons Hospital for several weeks. Alerting people to the fact that no one is guaranteed safety from this disease, and that it is a lifestyle and dietary disease.
Ironically, and what is less known to the public, is that Mr Eisenhower was put on a high carb and very low fat diet from this 1955 heart attack and onwards. A diet that gave the presidents severe digestive issues, and bowl problems forcing him to undergo surgery for the problems.
In addition Eisenhower had several additional heart attacks, culminating in 1968 with 4 heart attacks and 14 cardiac arrests from April through to August. Mr. Eisenhower died in March 1969.
There you have it - the heart attack pandemic history. We now count 60 years, and possibly 500 million (500,000,000) heart attack deaths, very likely caused by wrong dietary recommendations. For the last 10 to 20 years the research and evidence are mounting, and the evidence are conclusive; a high-fat diet does not cause weight gain – obesity - and does not have direct correlation to cardiovascular disease and heart attack.
My conclusion my friends are the following;
Do not fear this silent killer any longer, take some action, educate yourself, and then adjust lifestyle and your dietary choices and you will easy safeguard yourself from this deadly threat.
Cheers - to the best in health.