admin posted on April 23, 2010 22:17

Good morning people!!
Connie here with some "Don Tolman common sence on health and your "body", "temple" or "river"....
21st of April;
Hope you're all as uplifted, energized and excited as I am today, boosted and encouraged by some wonderful hours with Don Tolman yesterday. If you are in Brisbane Melbourne or Sydney - you should kick yourself if you miss this opportunity. Health is so simple, straightforward common sense - all the complicated stuff, the Latin words and the long explanations - are all bullshit aimed to clean out your bank account.
No health is miracles, or super advanced scientific research and breakthroughs, and health doesn't come from pills whether natural or patented and toxic pills. The body is fully capable of healing itself, 95% disease is caused by some shit (toxins we eat and drink on a daily basis.) cleans it out and you'll be fine.
Continuing the 24th of April;
Here’s a thought; - “One-off” things doesn't harm us, but our habits does.
We can have our ice cream, or a drink occasionally and it's no problem, and even indulging in over eating bad greasy food. However if you make any of the above a habit, eating the wrong food or having a drink on a daily basis, then you are on a safe path towards sickness and problems.
Here at Connie's health, with the help of the entire team here, we want to educate people and get them into good habits. IT IS YOUR HABITS THAT CAN MAKE OR BREAK YOU.
My friend Samantha Backman puts it this way;
“We dig our own graves with our fork and knife.” That is; killing our self with what we are shoving in our face.
Well back to the doctors, and again I throw the questions to YOU;
Can you name one prescribed drug that actually cures a disease?
When did you see a doctor addressing the areal root cause of a problem, and not the usual approach of attacking some symptoms?
The body is like a river, it requires a constant flow. Try blocking up a river and you will soon find every living thing in the river starts to die.
In our bodies out flow we are well aware of the normal out flow, urine and faeces, while we often forget things like sweating, tears, air, coughing and sneezing etc. And how eager are we to block this flow in the body – our river?
Starting with the clothing, using two small and tight fitting clothes are a severe blockage for free circulation in the body, especially if the clothing is used for long periods of time. (In other words sleep naked.)
Then how much “anti”-stuff is we using; anti-perspirants, anti-diarrhoea, anti-cough medicine, anti-nausea - anti everything. Throw out these disease creators from your house and environment and you have taken a giant leap towards better health.
To finish this off with a exact medical recommendations;
If you feel like peeing or shitting, then do so, if you feel like vomiting, make sure your vomit, if you're hot sweat it out. And if you have a cold; blow your nose, cough and spit out what wants to come out.
And if some idiot has scared you about dehydration, then drink 5 litres of water and see if you dehydrated.
To your health my friend!!!
CHP - Health