admin posted on June 08, 2010 06:23

Here you'll find many of Don's products plus ones that he personally recommends. Please enjoy browsing our store. And if you have any questions about the items or the site, please be sure to contact us with your questions.
Here's why the Farmacist Desk Reference (FDR) must be in your home library...
Covering everything you need to know about getting healthy and staying healthy, the Farmacist Desk Reference is your link to the wisdom of the ancient civilisations and their limitless vitality.
By using plant-based wholefoods as preventative and remissive medicine, the FDR will teach you the secrets to fighting and winning the war on illness and disease. This two volume, 1,600 page compendium contains all of the secrets you need to apply preventative medicine and self-care to deal with many common disorders.
Imagine being able to cure yourself and your family of common illnesses and conditions including acid reflux, acne, AIDS, age-related muscular degeneration, ageing, arthritis, atherosclerosis, CANCER, cataracts, high cholesterol, colds, constipation, diabetes, diarrhea, poor digestion, diverticular disease, headaches, heart disease, herpes simplex, hemorrhoids, hypertension, immune deficiency, infection, infertility, insomnia, mental slowness, menopause, motion sickness, obesity, osteoporosis, respiratory ailments, skin disease, stroke, ulcers, varicose veins and more. Wouldn't that be great?
Or what about if you could put an end to unnecessary doctor's visits and your dependence on pharmaceutical and over-the-counter drugs, supplements and other alternative therapies... How would that make you feel?
Imagine being able to know exactly which foods you need to eat to help your body perform at it's optimum efficiency, giving you the fuel, energy and vitality you need to experience your life to its fullest. It truly is possible, but you need to know HOW!
That's what my Farmacist Desk Reference (FDR) could help you to do...
Find the book HERE!!!!