admin posted on January 26, 2011 21:09

Nurture Your ‘Milieu Interieur’ –
The Environment Within.
French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) — after whom the process of “pasteurisation” was named — was famous for his germ theory of disease. The theory states that pathogens cause disease so if you kill the pathogens, you stop disease. It remains one of the foundations of modern medicine.
Unfortunately, it is not widely know that on his death bed, Pasteur admitted:
“Bernard was right, the germ is nothing, the milieu is everything.”
He was referring to the term “milieu interieur” — or “environment within” — coined by French physiologist Claude Bernard. Bernard claimed that total health was not related to germs; rather to the purity of the fluid environment in which body cells dwell i.e. interstitial/extracellular fluid.
Toxaemia is a polluted condition of the body’s inner terrain, due to impurities in the bloodstream. All disease stems from toxaemia. Pathogens cannot survive in a non-toxic system. The germs may be there but, in the words of Dr Richard Ablin, as quoted by Ross Home in Health & Survival in the 21st Century: “...they may turn out to be passengers on an already sinking ship.”
Far from the so-called advanced societies of the West live many cultures such as the Hunzans, the Abkhasians and the Karakorum, who commonly live to 120 years or more in amazing physical and mental health.
According to John Robbins in Healthy at 100, their diets have the following in common:
• They are low in overall calories, compared with Western diets
• They are high in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits
• They are rich in whole foods with little if any processed or refined foods, sugar, corn syrup, preservatives, artificial flavours or other chemicals
• They consist of fresh, seasonal foods grown locally, not canned, frozen or packaged foods transported long distances
• They are low in fat but the fats come from natural sources such as nuts and seeds not from bottled oils, margarines or saturated animal fats
• They all derive protein primarily from plant sources such as beans, peas, whole grains, seeds and nuts.
In short, the longest-lived cultures in the world nurture their milieu interieur!
The information in this flyer does not, in any way, constitute medical advice. It is provided for educational purposes only.
Courtesy & Compiled by Stuart Zadel at Think and Grow Rich Australia.
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