admin posted on January 30, 2011 15:26

Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt
Himalayan crystal rock salt is the cleanest salt available anywhere on the planet and contains all of the elements that are found in the human body. This salt is absolutely pristine and is identical to the ancient oceans, as it was dried up by the sun millions of years ago.
About Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt
Himalayan crystal rock salt contains 84 of the 92 trace minerals known to man, and no other natural or man-made salt has this many minerals. In addition, the salt contains the minerals in the same proportions as the human body does. As well as the vital minerals such as calcium and magnesium, Himalayan crystal rock salt has the other necessary minerals. Many minerals need other trace minerals in order to work so it is vital to have the correct variety of minerals as well as the correct proportions for the minerals to work in the body, and Himalayan crystal rock salt contains these.
Himalayan crystal rock salt comes from a large salt lake that dried naturally and was protected from pollution, contamination and the influence of man by being underneath the earth’s surface, thanks to geological shifts over time. The salt is hand mined from underground caves.
Why Does the Body Need Salt?
Salt is as essential to the human body as water is and the body needs almost half a kilogram of salt at any point in time to maintain proper functioning. Salt is necessary for the normal functioning of the metabolism, the absorption of water, the electrical communication between the cells, and also for mineral nutrition.
On average, a person will consume around twenty grams of salt a day, but the kidneys are only able to expel up to five to seven grams of this salt. The excess salt builds up as deposits in the arteries, causing them to harden and increasing blood pressure.
Uses for Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt
Drastically reducing the intake of traditional table or rock salt, and choosing to use Himalayan crystal rock salt can be of great benefit to the body. A gram a day, or the amount that can fit onto a five cent coin, can help the body’s metabolic processes and help to reduce any deposits that have built up in the arteries. The salt can be used straight on your food, or you can dissolve whole crystals in water to make brine with a concentration of 26 percent brine. This brine can be taken daily – a teaspoonful is all you need. If you wish to avoid the salty taste and also hydrate yourself at the same time, just add a teaspoon of the brine to a litre of pure water.
You can also use the salt in a bowl of hot water to help with sinus issues, as a warm compress for pain or injuries, as a mineral salt, as an eyebath, to gargle with, to heal cuts, and even as a skin scrub.
Himalayan crystal rock salt lamps are also available and these are used to improve the quality of indoor air, balancing electromagnetic radiation, and to energise and nourish the mind with their colour and ambience.
Benefits of Himalayan Crystal Rock Salt
There are many benefits to Himalayan crystal rock salt. These include:
* re-mineralising the body with 84 minerals and trace elements that are essential to good health
* it assists in the cellular absorption of minerals
* it replenishes the body’s electrolytes and balances the body’s pH
* it brings about significant improvements in the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems
* it improves the connective tissue in the organs