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Juicing experts, Connie Hansen and Olle Persson – CABALA!


Juicing experts, Connie Hansen and Olle Persson – CABALA!


 Juicing experts, Connie Hansen and Olle Persson – CABALA!

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Mode of Action of MMS

by Walter Last

There are different theories on the Internet about the way acidified sodium chlorite or MMS works. From published scientific information I came to the following conclusions about the mode of action of MMS. I was especially interested to understand why MMS appears to react preferentially with pathogenic microbes and diseased cells rather than with healthy body cells.

1) MMS is an alkaline solution of sodium chlorite. When acidified, as with citric acid, it forms the unstable chlorous acid. At a pH of 2.3 approximately 31% of sodium chlorite is converted to chlorous acid, 10% at a pH of 2.9, and 6 % at a pH of 3.2. In addition 1 to 3 % of chlorine dioxide are being formed.

The pH of acidified Sodium chloride (ASC), also known as acidified MMS, before dilution with water or juice for drinking is 2.3 to 2.5. Normally the stomach passage is not likely to make it more acid as most people take it after a meal with higher stomach pH. Therefore, the solution may pass the stomach with about 20 to 30% chlorous acid, 1 to 3% chlorine dioxide and the rest as sodium chlorite. However, in individuals with unusually high gastric acid levels much higher amount of chlorine dioxide may be produced, possibly causing nausea and vomiting.

In the duodenum chlorous acid and chlorine dioxide will react with microbes and body chemicals. But the duodenum and the rest of the digestive tract has a higher or more alkaline pH, and this will convert much of the chlorous acid (but not the chlorine dioxide) back to sodium chlorite. With small to moderate doses of ASC all or most will now be absorbed as sodium chlorite, but with high doses also chlorous acid and especially chlorine dioxide will go in high amounts into the blood.

 2) Because of its weak oxidizing potential of 0.7 sodium chlorite (S.C.) does not react with most of the sensitive groups of normal body cells which would be oxidized by chlorine dioxide with an oxidation potential of 0.95, or chlorous acid with an even higher oxidation potential of 1.58. This explains the long retention time of S.C. in the blood, and that it can still appear in the urine after 3 days or more.

 3) As we have seen, in acid conditions S.C. is converted into highly reactive chlorous acid. S.C. will encounter such acid conditions in the vicinity of cells and microbes with an anaerobic energy metabolism, including, malignant cells, those infected with microbes, and normal cells producing too much lactic acid. Chlorous acid and chlorine dioxide will form in appreciable amounts only very close to such sources producing lactic or acetic acid. These  will react immediately with nearby microbes and cells. This mechanism of S.C. being activated by localised acidity explains rationally why healthy body cells are less likely to be attacked than diseased cells or anaerobic microbes.

 4) Animal distribution studies show that most of the S.C. remains in the blood, and only smaller amounts go into organs, and very little into muscles. But this may be different with people who are over-acid and then will have strong reactions to MMS re nausea and vomiting. Therefore it is advisable for anyone starting a health program as a first step to alkalize, taking enough alkalizer to keep the urine around pH 7 as this will avoid or minimize overacidity problem.

5) As indicated by distribution studies most of the antimicrobial action takes place in the blood. The blood tends to be infested with pleomorphic microbes and possibly Candida and parasites. Cleaning the blood greatly strengthens the immune system so that it can do its job properly in other places.

6) But there is also a mechanism that makes it easier for S.C. to move to sites of infection, and that is inflammation. If there is an infection in an area or organ, be from bacteria, viruses or fungi, this makes blood vessels in that area more permeable. It also increases acidity in the infection site to facilitate the transformation from S.C. to chlorous acid and chlorine dioxide.

Infected cells commonly have a blocked respiratory chain and produce energy anaerobically. Therefore they will be attacked, and with this also any viruses or other microbes and parasites inside. In addition, S.C. is known to oxidize aldehydes. In regard to fungi the main concern is with Candida. Acetaldehyde is an end product of fungal sugar-alcohol fermentation and a main cause of problems from invasive Candida. Its concentration will be highest close to the Candida infection and S.C. oxidizes it to acetic acid. This now makes chlorine dioxide and chlorous acid available to attack the Candida.

7) Medical-type patents describe the use of stabilised sodium chlorite in oral, topical and intravenous applications for treating autoimmune diseases and chronic infections, also hepatitis and lymphoma, and for neutralising the neuro-toxic effects of acetaldehyde produced by Candida and other fungi. In these cases the solution is not acidified! This is also suitable for kidney and bladder infections.

The main beneficial effect with autoimmune diseases may be due to an ability of S.C. to control the pleomorphic microbes which are not only a root cause of autoimmune diseases but also of cancer. Therefore after a short period of using acidified S.C., autoimmune diseases as well as cancer may be treated periodically with non-acidified S.C. This is much less damaging to antioxidants in the body than prolonged use of acidified S.C., and the incidence of nausea will be greatly reduced.

As an average dose try 5 to 10 drops (or half a ml) once a day after the evening meal or at bedtime in a drink. In this way you may use vitamin C and other antioxidants until mid-afternoon without interfering with the action of S.C. However, S.C. just like acidified MMS does react with and reduce the glutathione in body cells. Therefore use it only for limited periods, e.g. for one week every other week, and limit this program to 6 to 10 weeks  (3 to 5 cycles) before a longer break of one or more months. Alternatively use it 5 days a week for 3 to 5 weeks.

8) The main danger after a high dose of MMS is from low blood pressure and hypoglycemic shock due to fluid loss after vomiting and diarrhoea. If this should happen lie down and drink lots of lightly salted and sweetened water. Also take immediately a high dose of vitamin C to stop the reaction. Individuals with G6PD deficiency, an enzyme deficiency with a tendency to haemolytic anaemia, must avoid MMS and other oxidising substances.

To minimize unpleasant side effects try to alkalize the body before going on a course of MMS. Use products like wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, chlorella, potassium citrate and sodium bicarbonate, and strengthen the immune system as with colostrum, Lugol's solution, Olive leaf extract, magnesium selenium and zinc. 


With small to moderate doses of MMS most of the absorbed chemicals will be as sodium chlorite (S.C.). This has a weak oxidizing potential and does not react with most of the sensitive groups that are oxidized by chlorine dioxide and chlorous acid.

However, in acid conditions S.C. is converted to chlorous acid which is very reactive. Therefore it will immediately react with any oxidizable chemicals. S.C. will encounter acid conditions in the vicinity of cells and microbes that have an anaerobic energy production, including malignant cells and those infected with microbes. Because of this immediate reaction chlorous acid will selectively target acid-producing microbes and cells.

Individuals with inflammations or over-acid lymph fluid may also cause conversion to chlorous acid in other areas which may then lead to the possibility of healthy cells being attacked. Therefore individuals with alkaline lymph fluid and in the absence of infection may have little if any unpleasant reaction to MMS, while others will react according to the degree of their infection and/or general acidity.

With a high to very high dose of MMS, such as 15 drops, a considerable amount of chlorous acid and chlorine dioxide will be absorbed from the intestinal tract into the blood. There they will react immediately but mainly with infected or diseased red blood cells. These will haemolyse much more readily than healthy cells and spill their content of invading microbes into the serum where they can be eliminated by oxidizing chemicals as well as by immune cells.

While acidified S.C. is most suitable for acute infections, with autoimmune diseases, chronic infections and cancer it may be preferable to use it without acidifying.

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The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.
 Oliver Wendell Holmes

The real power behind whatever success I have now was something I found within myself - something that's in all of us, I think, a little piece of God just waiting to be discovered. -- Tina Turner

All Healing is from within, it is not from pills or potions.
It is that little piece of God that is in as all – Natures and Universal Intelligence.