admin posted on April 15, 2011 00:58

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pinkeye, is an inflammation of
the conjunctiva.
The conjunctiva is the clear membrane that covers the white part of
the eye and lines the inner surface of the eyelids. Usually
causing no danger to the eye or your vision, it is a fairly common
condition. The inflammation can have many causes, the most common
of which are infectious, allergic and irritant.
Apart from the discharge, conjunctivitis does not impair vision.
Most cases of conjunctivitis are due to a virus or bacterial
infection. Soft contact lens wearers should practice careful
hygiene when handling their lenses.
Symptoms include itching, swelling and discharge.
The infection should clear within about a week. To prevent
conjunctivitis do not share makeup, towels or other’s eye
medication. Treatment normally involves eye drops or ointment.
Hygiene is important to prevent spread of an infection because
conjunctivitis tends to be contagious.
This varies depending upon the course, but usually involves the
administration of saline drops. Cool compresses applied to the eye
may help reduce itching and one tablespoon of salt to one quart of
water in a dropper reduces swelling. If soft contact lenses are
worn they should be disposed of. Once the infection has been
resolved, new lenses can be inserted.
Helpful Foods
Bilberry, blueberry, other berries, wheat grass, garlic, fennel,
tempeh, kale, spinach, grape seed extract, carrots, pumpkin, sweet
potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, melons, plums, flaxseed oil, nuts,
reishi mushrooms and kiwifruit.
Cayenne (chilli) pepper
Because the eye contains a high percentage of vitamin C, adding
this vitamin has marked effects. Most notable are the prevention
and cure of cataracts, a cure for conjunctivitis, relief from
bloodshot eyes and easing of inflammation. Vitamin C and lipoic
acid is also especially helpful for reducing the pressure
associated with glaucoma.
Sterile, cold water, vitamin C Juice solutions, calendula tea,
goldenseal and chamomile, compresses are topical treatments for
conjunctives that are soothing to inflammation and healing. To
relieve conjunctivitis symptoms as well as general eye inflammation
and fatigue, drinking eyebright tea as its name implies helps do
this. Another thing that works well is applying eyebright topically
after the tea is strained and put into a glass eye cup can work
very well.
Maintaining Health Eyes
The eyes need to be nourished properly, like all other parts of the
body. Proper eye care includes a healthy diet containing sufficient
amounts of vitamins and minerals in addition to making sure that
they eyes are not strained by too much intense close work or
inadequate light.
You must make sure your diet contains the proper amounts of the B
vitamins; vitamins A, C and E; and the minerals selenium and zinc
in order to promote good eyesight. Good sources of these vitamins
and minerals are fresh fruits and vegetables. Include plenty of
these in your diet, especially yellow and orange foods such as
carrots, yams and cantaloupes. To keep your eyes healthy, a well
balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can help.
Broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, green vegetables, raw cabbage,
squash, sunflower seeds and watercress.
To help prevent or alleviate most eye problems drink fresh carrot
Eliminate sugar and white flour from your diet.
Avoid wearing tinted eyeglasses, especially on a regular basis.
Dark glasses prevent needed light from entering the eyes. The
sunlight largely governs the function of the pineal gland, which
plays an important role in the regulation of metabolism, behaviour
and physiological functions.
Using hair dyes containing coal tar on the eyelashes and eyebrows
can cause injury or blindness. Although coal-tar dyes are legal, it
is illegal to market them for the eyebrows and eyelashes.
For more on this topic and thousands of tips for leading a healthy
and disease-free life, check out my "encyclopaedia of wholefood
medicine", the Farmacist Desk Reference.
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family's health that you could ever make.
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