host posted on January 27, 2012 23:52

Good Afternoon health Warrior's.
Here's another clarification of what we actually doing in our current four day cleansing process. It is as we said a Tyler Tolman and fortune events program and it is available by clicking here.
The detailed description on Tyler Tolman's four-day colon cleanse;
- Clean the largest organ in your body.
- Loose unhealthy cravings.
- Get rid of bloating, and excess weight.
- Feel lighter and brighter.
- Have more energy.
These colon cleanse is a special formula of organic flax seed, organic oats, organic psyllium, Bentonite Clay and Salt.
Eat 2 tablespoons (if you are over 75 kg). If under 75 kg it one tablespoon of fiber blend mixed with hundred 180 mL of water.
The fiber will bulk, pour in the water stir and drink quickly! If needed, you can add raw honey or a gavia to sweeten. Repeat the above process every two hours, five times per day.
Eg; 8am, 10am, Noon, 2pm, 4pm.
Drink close to 1 L of water in between each two hour period. It is extremely important to stay hydrated.
We, Connie and myself, are now on day 13 of our “no meet, no sugar and no alcohol” program, and today are number three of our four day fasting program. We are still going strong, feeling great and with full of energy, joking a bit about what the next meal going to contain.
I must admit though that I am looking forward to chew on something on Monday morning, the chewing however on Monday will be limited to the pulse food mix.
Click HERE to meet Tyler Tolman and Learn MORE;
So what is pulse
Pure raw food, fruits, nuts, seeds and grain meal.
Pulse is a living food packed full of all the nutrients your body craves. We took our time, so you take yours. Enjoy Pulse leaving food
Conscious Lifestyler, is all about getting the world to see the wonderful benefits that the healthy diet can have on the body and the mind. We want you to discover that by simply eating healthy living foods you can rejuvenate your body, restore your energy levels and lead a better, happier life.
Our methods are based on ancient principles that go back thousands of years. They have been proven over the years, they work for everyone, and they are so easy, you can start to take advantage of them today!
Pulse is an ancient recipe rediscovered and is the tastiest, healthiest, and must complete blend of foods we believe you can eat.
Pulse not only continues to help cleanse your body, but it also feeds you all the essential nutrients that your body craves. It's from 2/3 to 1 bag of pulse each day. Graze all day in pinches and always chew thoroughly. Studies show five small meals per day increases metabolism and over all health. Add seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables to your day. The longer your carry-on, the easier it would be to maintain a healthier lifestyle - and you will start to feel fantastic!
Hundred percent raw healthy food - pulse has been designed to maximize the absorption of nutrients to lead to better all round health. And all as a simple, convenient and very tasty snack.
So that's about it my friends, now you know what we are indulging in.
A wider and more long-term perspective;
Would be Mr. Don Tollman’s living and commission;
Self education, Self help and Self healing.
A fact;
A lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it.
The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it.
This is a statement very applicable to the medical industry, this is an industry where a lot is hidden. Facts are twisted around, research results are tampered with, statistics are calculated to support the desired result.
The way of the last 50 to 100 years where we increasingly been eating over processed junk, and worse still write out toxins such as sugar, alcohol and a row of preservatives and other chemicals.
Here are some facts on the Australian situation, and I am sure the statistics are pretty much the same in and the Western world country. And the sad fact is that many other countries of following quickly, following at the pace MacDonalds, other junk food and Western food culture becomes introduced.
Despite Australians spending $118.9 Billion on Health Care in the last financial year, here's a few quick facts for you on the current state of Aussie health:
- 34% of all deaths are caused by Heart Disease
- 1 Person dies every 60 seconds from Cancer
- 74% of the adult population are either overweight or obese
- 1 Person is diagnosed every 7 minutes with Diabetes (Australia's fastest growing chronic disease)
- Alzheimer's and Dementia deaths have more than doubled in the last 10 years (and are now the 3rd highest killer in Australia)
- Suicide - largely a result of depression - accounts for nearly a quarter of all deaths amongst 15-24 year old males
- Cancer is the chief cause of death by disease in children under 15 years old
- 1 in 4 children under 15 years are overweight or obese.
No matter how you look at it Australia's health is failing.
The worst part is that all of these deaths are preventable.
The final fact;
It is our individual choice if we want to be sick or healthy.
If you choose to wait for the symptoms, and then go to your doctor, (white coated, legalized drug dealer) and order more toxins in 1, 2 or 10 different pills - then your choice is to be sick for the rest of your life.
On the other hand if you choose Self education, Self help and Self healing, and as a consequence of this proceeds to clean out the toxic overdose your body are suffering from - and start feeding it nutrition's that it can recognize and make use of. Then you are choosing health.
What is your choice going to be?